Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to Bring back Glory to India- mera bahrat mahaan.

After spending 16 years out side India, I returned to India last year.
Ever since, I started re-discovering India. When we look at a person, there are several things we can look; his dress, his speech, his car, his position and what not. Same way, I looked at face of India ( pl. bear with me as I often use our and Indian as synonyms) . The first thing came to mind is. can we bring back the glory of India. Right from Alexander to British(even Columbus) wanted to visit India, conquer India. Even there are stories that Prophet Mohammad and Jesus visited India and learnt a couple of spiritual truths before they spread their spiritual wisdom to the world. Nalanada and Takshasila were the first universities in the world. Of course, civilizations have their cycles of up and down. But did we reach the bottom to start the up cycle? Am I qualified to start this huge task? questions are plenty. But I have only one resolve. One aim. Yes, We CAN, if we take the help of ancient wisdom. before that, I want to know the present Indian problems. I heard Mahatma Gandhi travelled far and wide before he took up the freedom struggle. A similar thing hap penned for me as my first one year , I had to travel Delhi to chennai for my office work. My head was in my job. Heart , of course is in India. I tried to understand the problems. Of course, there are many. But what are the main . What constitute core problems. what attitude constitute our problems. Are there any paradigms which need to be understood or changed? Again questions are plenty. I took the help of Ancient wisdom . Let us go to the bottom of the problem. let us start with Truth. Are we afraid to say, accept and support truth. I tried honestly to answer these questions without prejudice. Being Indian, I might have inherent bias.But love for truth prevailed.Should Prevail. Hence I call this blog. Satya sodhana. "In search of truth " . Hence my first task is to honestly search for the True India, not tarnished by media, not bloated by pseudo patriots. the real patriots who have disappeared after getting us Independence. So Friends! Mera Bharat is my first starting point. why Mera bharat ? why no body says, Hamara Bharat Mahan ? This is one problem I saw in India. My, not ours. Ancient wisdom says, spiritual journey is from I to We. From coomunity living , we came to colonial living. from colonial living, we came to nuclear families. From here we go to single individuals , may be divorcess or chosen single individuals. I suggest let us stop saying "Mera Bharat". Start saying "Hamara Bharat mahaan."