Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ancient War Techniques- Matsya yantra

In Mahabharata,   two unique war techniques were explained. one was Padma Vyuha which we tried to explain in previous blogs. Other one is Matshayantra. King Drupadh  designed Matshayantra as a condition to  break to be eligible to marry Daupathi. many kings could not even try that while some knew how difficult it was. only Krishna and Karna knew how to crack the  Matshayantra. Karna was denied the try as he was not eligible to marry a queen. Krishna did not try it. Arjuna could easily hit the fish and won the accolodes. 

What is the speciality of Matshayantra ? one has to see in the reflection of the fish in the water below  and hit at the top , where a fish is rotating on a wheel . In the beginning it  looks fine , but  as the fish is rotating, the speed of the rotation and speed of the arrow has to be estimated and which is what we do,   when ever a moving target is hit.  Fish is most difficult to catach , when it is moving, even in normal water. even wehn we catch it, it slips. that is why we use net to catch it. now this is when  we see the fish directly in the water. Arjuna has to see the reflection of fish and as light shines on the gills of the fish , fish looks like a "lightening" and hitting it is real tough. it requires, 
first best imagination, perfect control and expertise of  shooting and a bove all great concentration. This skill was useful to Arjuna, when he kept Saindhaava's head floating in the air and guided it to the old sanyasi , ( father of Saindhava) doing penance in Samnathaka Pnchakam at far away place  for which Arjuna used Pasupathy Ashtra. Here during Draupathi  swayam varam, he was young and less experienced.  .

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