Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ancient Indian war techniques - Padmavyuha

Abhimanyu  syndrome 

There is an episode in Maha Bharata  about a war  vyuha or plot which was designed by  Acharya Drona to trap Pandavas. it was  arranged when Arjuna was not around, as Arjuna alone  knows the secret of entering and existing. Abhimnayu  knows how to enter and did  not know how to exit.

The typical Padmavyuh consists of petals , where each round will lead to  another inside which gets complicated as we go in. It is spiral type.  Entering itself is difficult as it is two circles keep rotating one in side and other outside, in opposite directions. While entering . one has to see the timing when both circles give a little bit of gap and quickly has to enter at  lightning speed. as you keep winning, the no. of  warriers keep increasing. so unless one has experience, he can easily gets tired. Abhimnayu got tired by the end of the day and had to fight with six great players of that time . In the beginning, he has to beat one  Maha rathi , means a great warrior , watch with so  many horses, elephants and soliders. each hour passes by , the maha rathis keep increasing. There is one person who can break Padmavyuha, . he is Arjuna . All others even  shiver to enter padmavyuha.  Udhishtara has no alternative than to allow Abhimnayu to lead as others can not even enter. His strategy was once Abhimanyu enters, others can go and support him. Due to two concentric circles going in opposite directions, the gap is less. When Abhimanyu entered with lightening speed. otehrs coudl nto enter so fast . the suddenly the entrance got closed. Abhimnayu became alone. Actually that trap was made fro Arjuna as That is the only way to eliminate Arjuna and without killing Arjuna, Kauravas coudl never dream of winning. By Srikrihsna's plan, Arjuna escaped that, Abhimnay got trapped in that.

Now coming to Abhimnayu. what strategy he has to adopt? let us see.  one has to enter quickly and proceed slowly. why ? Because ,  as you progress fast, you get tired.  and each win like video games gets you into tougher  level of game. instead Abhimnayu entered with over confidence and got trapped. We are all like Abhimnayu. we enter into problems without knowing the way out. we think it is courage. but it is the trap.

The Abhimnayu syndrom is called people who refuse to say" i do not know". they refuse to accept or hide their ignorance. The wisdom of Drona is that it is one of its kind of war game which is lot  superior to Spanish Armadas, who never get tired o r Greeks who keeps changing as war progressing and always you have to fight with a fresh soldier. Ancient Indian wisdom is not known to westerns as they never dared to look at India till Alexander came and LOST  the war with  Magadha warriors. History is re-written to suit Alexander.  No body survived the great Mahabharata war and hence not many knew the art of war.
This  Padma Vyuha is a small example for Ancient Indian wisdom. At least Indians should understand the reason India never went on war outside the world is India was and is most fertile and rich country and other places were far inferior in civilization and they are called "barbarians" and backward in civilization.
 Later when we lost our knowledge , self-discipline and unity, we lost war. 

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