Monday, December 30, 2013

Ancient Indian Wisdom and symbolism

The Indian wisdom is recorded over a period of not just centuries , but over thousands of years .
several invaders tried to erase the history of India .but all of them who came to destroy became  admirers and in fact, propagated  the Indian wisdom. to name a few of them who propagated |Indian thinking are not just Magsthanis and  Huan u-tsang from Greece and China respectively, but included Prophet Mohammad and, hold your breath !, Jesus himself. .How this ancient thinking from India became so famous and acceptable ? its universal application, natural deduction and ready for correction and  proof.  In other  words, when Shri Adi Shankara came in 9th century, there were many who opposed him backed by Buddhist thought and Shanakara defended it by using old text of Vedas. even to-day, that tradition goes in India, where any body can question the wisdom and if it is not defended properly, new theory takes root and established.  this has two characteristics. One  that all religions which came into existence are accepted and tok firm roots in India . for example, Jainism, Buddhism, Siskhism all took off from Hinduism and Though they are a separate religion , Hinduism accepted them as their logic is acceptable. However, some are converted into new religion while others stuck to old methodology. But none, resorted to violence or force and it is the duty of King to protect all including atheists. This lead to religious tolerance in India long before world can imagine and preached tolerance. Second one is more interesting, Hinduism itself implemented some of the new thoughts and transformed into more acceptable form which made Indian wisdom NOT only acceptable , but ancient wisdom has become ever new..

Let us look at one unique element of  Indian wisdom  is  Symbolism .  In every story, every example, and in every  name, there is symbolism. when  a character "Narada"  is introduced, it is clear from thename, he is the one who helps you to reach "Narayana" ( first two letters are taken) .  while Narada's role is to bring human beings nearer to " Narayana " . his name also signifies the same. in a story of "Dhruva", his name means determination and he does exactly same as per his name. He is determined to see God  and achieves. His step mother's name is " Surichi" which means doer of what she likes and hsi mother's name is "Suniti" who does what is right.the story and  names are matching.  they do every where and characters though they may be true or fictitious, they portray their  character in name it self. Epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata also depict names, acts and scenes look exactly like they mean.  What impact it does on common man.? if a child wants to focus on story, he can and get what she looks for. if an adult  tries to understand the story and inner meaning, he or she will get the same. finally a mature person or a poet or writer understands where the story leads to , he will get the meaning as well as moral of the story. what a superb imagination ! it is Indian wisdom . it requires wisdom to recognize wisdom. it requires an artist to recognize art.

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