Monday, February 17, 2014

How ancient Indian wisdom is related to Sanskrit language ?

Sanskrit and Hindu religion are linked . for that matter all ancient religions are linked to ancient languages. Holy Bible is written in Hebrew and Holy Quron is written in Old Arabic and Vedas are in Sanskrit.  Modern Indians do not know Sanskrit. By giving up Sanskrit, we not only left a scientific language which has phonetic power related to Vibrations, but also made all Hindus following rituals without knowing meaning . We do not know why we take Arghyam, why we give Arati, why we invite guests with Poornami kimbha and became robots while performing puja and no wonder self realisation is utopia not only for west and for us also. That is what Lord Shiva, taught tribal woman Parvati   how to reach God.  That is Guru Geetha. That is essentially ancient wisdom by which  humanity  could  ascend to divinity. Hindus  do not need a priest between man and God like other religions. Unless priest becomes an empty flute without ego to give us melodious music of krishna, There are allegations that  Brhamins  kept Vedas as secret  which is  NOT true as they were not taught ,but available for others like Rajas, while others were too poor to  afford education and sanskrit . Even for those who chanted without knowing Sanskrit , Vedas became  sacred texts which were worshiped than understood. Veda Vyasa and Valmiki were not B Sanskrit gives us direct knowledge of God and Vedas and Upanishads  so simple which explain God is inside every one. So a real Hindu who knows scriptures,  can never hate others . This is ancient Indian wisdom. Now you decide if we want to know God by knowing Sanskrit language or follow rituals like illiterate. I recommend to all Muslims to read Holy Quron in Arabic  read original Bible in Hebrew (not listen thru priests), If you do not understand, try to practicing and learning, not blindly listening. Every one explains in a way advantageous to him or her . Learn Sanskrit and we will not find one single sloka denouncing others , that is why India did not invade other countries though it was most prosperous till Alexander invaded . Even he accepted Ancient Indian greatness. Mera Bharst Mahan tha.  Phir mahan Banega. 

Origin of Sanskrit is not from humans and that is why it called "Deva Bhasha" meaning language of Gods.  It is the only language which is like  computer language very scientific and akin to binary language which makes it only language which is liek machine language which can be understood by even computers also.  while otehr languages are phonetic, Sanskrit is "derived" language". What is derived language? The meaning of a word is same as the name of the word. for example, if we say "Vishnu", which corresponds to the Hindu God Vishnu, which corresponds to the quality of Vishnu , which is "Sarva Vyapakatha" ( spread through out of universe.) . so also several words which explain  meaning for words built in the  meaning of every word. It is better and preferable to read the scritures in Sanskrit as this way , we can never looses the meaning of there words. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Calculations in Ancient Indian texts - distance between Sun and Earth

In vedas, there is  mention about the location of God,which is fully explained in Purusha suktam, which my father used to explain me daily. in fact, this is repeated in all temples during main Puja, Abhishekam and in Yagnas and Homams which are Hindu rituals. However no body is either NOT bothered to know or not believing or not knowing it. . That is what is called "maya"
(illusion) where ignorance over takes Knowledge, not in one person, in several groups of people as our "eye" is external or vision is external NOT internal. let us see simple calculations in Hanuman Chalisa, a hymn or prayer to Lord Hanuman.. 

Ref: Hanuman Chalisa  :
Yug sahastra yojan per Bhanu!
Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu!!

1 Yug = 12000 years
1 Sahastra = 1000
1 Yojan = 8 Miles
Yug x Sahastra x Yojan = par Bhanu
12000 x 1000 x 8 miles = 96000000 miles
1 mile = 1.6kms
96000000 miles = 96000000 x 1.6kms =
1536000000 kms to Sun
NASA has said that, it is the exact distance between Earth and Sun (Bhanu).
Which proves Hanuman ji did jump from Earth till Sun, thinking it as a sweet fruit (Madhur phal)...
It is really interesting how accurate and meaningful our ancient sc
riptures are...
Unfortunately barely it is recognized, interpreted accurately or realized by anyone in today's time

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Indian Caste system- misunderstanding

Every body questions ancient Indian wisdom and caste system in India.
There was no proof or history where one caste killed another caste person by stating caste alone as a reason.
Kshatriyas married Brhamins.Brhmins married kshatriyas.
Kshatriyas married all castes.
Sahnatanu married fisher woman  and children ruled india . that is the story fo mahabahrata.
Yayati , kshatriya married Devayani( daughter of Shukra charya, Brhamin)
Vasishta married “Arundhaati “ , who is shudra lady.

However, castes are respecting each others thinking and life style and priority of their lives.
It is by “Guna”, Varna is defined.  I call it priority or value system.

Brahmins pripority is knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge.
Kshatriya’s prinority is protecting people and land.
Vuasya’s priority is agriculture and trade and making money for sthe society.
Shudras are working force , that means employees, like us.
Now read, western phiolosophy, who heavily criticize Hindu caste sytem.

Christians fought not among religions lines, but among countries for the rule.
It is created by rulers.

Yes, there were no fights among Indian religions, NOR among castes.
Earlier, Shri Adi Shankaracharya improved  understanding between six sects of Hinduism. That is why he is called
“ snamata sthapana” ( established 6 religion sects in Hinduism) . In reality, there is no HINDUISM, as we have Sanatana Dharma, old religion.
We accepted all religions and decalred ”Buddha”  and Rishibha( jain originator)  as incarnation fo Vishnu.

Only politicians get votes among lines of castes. They divided people on castes.
There is only one class, Rich and Poor. They fight .But it is Rich who win.
Because, they divide and rule others.
It is not British, nor congress, who ever rules, he divides and rules.
When British tried to rule india, they thought there were not enough religions who fight in India
As Jains, Busshists  were not  fighting  with Hindus .
So they said, Sikhs are different religion. Even they never fought with Hindus
except under  Congress rule.

So castism was thought as dividing factor. Even that was not mentioned a single time as
Vaisya  caste Gandhi was leading others. He also called “sudras who are not part of  four Hindu caste system ” as panchama (Harijan) > how that caste was created as they were “untouchables”
Not because of caste, but as they were not sent out like British sent out crimilnals to Australia.
There was only one punishment called” desha bahishkarana”) sendng out of country.
These people had a choice to go to neighboring country.but many never went ,but stayed in outskirts of the city and were dependent on kingdom for survival. Many compassionate people fed them.But
They were not having citizenship. Thus they became a bid creed. Please do nto confuse them with
Tribals as tribal’s have their own customs and they never allowed any one in their group.

Westerners never had patience nor understood Ancient Indian culture ,but started criticizing castes
And multi God system, which shows we tolerate others ,But DO NOT ELIMINATE OTHERS
LIKE  Americans eliminated ”Red Indians” and Europeans eliminated “Nomads”.

In conclusion, Indian caste system was meant to be good for work classification. Subsequently, some un wanted elements or practices might have crept in, but on the whole, understanding
And mututal trust and co-operation if cultivated, society will benefit than aboloishing
Castes which will create more  confusion.

Any system can be a problem, instead of abolishing, it has to be resurrected.
Caste systems gives easy living as valvue system is different castes while “ justice “is same for all.

Pl. give your comments on “Ancient Indian system- Caste system”.