Monday, February 17, 2014

How ancient Indian wisdom is related to Sanskrit language ?

Sanskrit and Hindu religion are linked . for that matter all ancient religions are linked to ancient languages. Holy Bible is written in Hebrew and Holy Quron is written in Old Arabic and Vedas are in Sanskrit.  Modern Indians do not know Sanskrit. By giving up Sanskrit, we not only left a scientific language which has phonetic power related to Vibrations, but also made all Hindus following rituals without knowing meaning . We do not know why we take Arghyam, why we give Arati, why we invite guests with Poornami kimbha and became robots while performing puja and no wonder self realisation is utopia not only for west and for us also. That is what Lord Shiva, taught tribal woman Parvati   how to reach God.  That is Guru Geetha. That is essentially ancient wisdom by which  humanity  could  ascend to divinity. Hindus  do not need a priest between man and God like other religions. Unless priest becomes an empty flute without ego to give us melodious music of krishna, There are allegations that  Brhamins  kept Vedas as secret  which is  NOT true as they were not taught ,but available for others like Rajas, while others were too poor to  afford education and sanskrit . Even for those who chanted without knowing Sanskrit , Vedas became  sacred texts which were worshiped than understood. Veda Vyasa and Valmiki were not B Sanskrit gives us direct knowledge of God and Vedas and Upanishads  so simple which explain God is inside every one. So a real Hindu who knows scriptures,  can never hate others . This is ancient Indian wisdom. Now you decide if we want to know God by knowing Sanskrit language or follow rituals like illiterate. I recommend to all Muslims to read Holy Quron in Arabic  read original Bible in Hebrew (not listen thru priests), If you do not understand, try to practicing and learning, not blindly listening. Every one explains in a way advantageous to him or her . Learn Sanskrit and we will not find one single sloka denouncing others , that is why India did not invade other countries though it was most prosperous till Alexander invaded . Even he accepted Ancient Indian greatness. Mera Bharst Mahan tha.  Phir mahan Banega. 

Origin of Sanskrit is not from humans and that is why it called "Deva Bhasha" meaning language of Gods.  It is the only language which is like  computer language very scientific and akin to binary language which makes it only language which is liek machine language which can be understood by even computers also.  while otehr languages are phonetic, Sanskrit is "derived" language". What is derived language? The meaning of a word is same as the name of the word. for example, if we say "Vishnu", which corresponds to the Hindu God Vishnu, which corresponds to the quality of Vishnu , which is "Sarva Vyapakatha" ( spread through out of universe.) . so also several words which explain  meaning for words built in the  meaning of every word. It is better and preferable to read the scritures in Sanskrit as this way , we can never looses the meaning of there words. 

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