Sunday, February 9, 2014

Indian Caste system- misunderstanding

Every body questions ancient Indian wisdom and caste system in India.
There was no proof or history where one caste killed another caste person by stating caste alone as a reason.
Kshatriyas married Brhamins.Brhmins married kshatriyas.
Kshatriyas married all castes.
Sahnatanu married fisher woman  and children ruled india . that is the story fo mahabahrata.
Yayati , kshatriya married Devayani( daughter of Shukra charya, Brhamin)
Vasishta married “Arundhaati “ , who is shudra lady.

However, castes are respecting each others thinking and life style and priority of their lives.
It is by “Guna”, Varna is defined.  I call it priority or value system.

Brahmins pripority is knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge.
Kshatriya’s prinority is protecting people and land.
Vuasya’s priority is agriculture and trade and making money for sthe society.
Shudras are working force , that means employees, like us.
Now read, western phiolosophy, who heavily criticize Hindu caste sytem.

Christians fought not among religions lines, but among countries for the rule.
It is created by rulers.

Yes, there were no fights among Indian religions, NOR among castes.
Earlier, Shri Adi Shankaracharya improved  understanding between six sects of Hinduism. That is why he is called
“ snamata sthapana” ( established 6 religion sects in Hinduism) . In reality, there is no HINDUISM, as we have Sanatana Dharma, old religion.
We accepted all religions and decalred ”Buddha”  and Rishibha( jain originator)  as incarnation fo Vishnu.

Only politicians get votes among lines of castes. They divided people on castes.
There is only one class, Rich and Poor. They fight .But it is Rich who win.
Because, they divide and rule others.
It is not British, nor congress, who ever rules, he divides and rules.
When British tried to rule india, they thought there were not enough religions who fight in India
As Jains, Busshists  were not  fighting  with Hindus .
So they said, Sikhs are different religion. Even they never fought with Hindus
except under  Congress rule.

So castism was thought as dividing factor. Even that was not mentioned a single time as
Vaisya  caste Gandhi was leading others. He also called “sudras who are not part of  four Hindu caste system ” as panchama (Harijan) > how that caste was created as they were “untouchables”
Not because of caste, but as they were not sent out like British sent out crimilnals to Australia.
There was only one punishment called” desha bahishkarana”) sendng out of country.
These people had a choice to go to neighboring country.but many never went ,but stayed in outskirts of the city and were dependent on kingdom for survival. Many compassionate people fed them.But
They were not having citizenship. Thus they became a bid creed. Please do nto confuse them with
Tribals as tribal’s have their own customs and they never allowed any one in their group.

Westerners never had patience nor understood Ancient Indian culture ,but started criticizing castes
And multi God system, which shows we tolerate others ,But DO NOT ELIMINATE OTHERS
LIKE  Americans eliminated ”Red Indians” and Europeans eliminated “Nomads”.

In conclusion, Indian caste system was meant to be good for work classification. Subsequently, some un wanted elements or practices might have crept in, but on the whole, understanding
And mututal trust and co-operation if cultivated, society will benefit than aboloishing
Castes which will create more  confusion.

Any system can be a problem, instead of abolishing, it has to be resurrected.
Caste systems gives easy living as valvue system is different castes while “ justice “is same for all.

Pl. give your comments on “Ancient Indian system- Caste system”.

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