Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ancient Indian Strategy - Chanakya head and shoulders above many contemporaries

Recently, I was reading a book titled " Corporate Chanakya"  and  wondering how Chanakya's strategy  humbled " Alexander,  the Great " . History recorded that Alexander came to conquer India and went back humbled by Magadha Army which stood like an Ocean. In fact, Alexander has not done a war against Magadha army , but reached up to  Pruthviraj Chauhan who was ruling northern Punjab at that time.
In fact, Chankya's strategy was such that, Alexander has not waged war against Magadh. His soldiers were not willing to continue the war. He employed Seleucus, his major general in India and returned . No body heard about Seleucus  after wards. Alexander himself realised richness of India is not in Gold and opulence ,but in their treasure of Spirituality. There was a story of a naked fakir( actually called Sanyasi  in India) who taught Alexander "Fear" and  vairagya , means giving up all worldly attachment. 

Coming back to Chanakya, who was considered as an all time wisest of men , can easily compete
 with western intellectuals in materialistic pursuits and also uphold Indian penchant for spiritual vairagya. 
He wrote a book called"Artha sastra" which is a treatise not only on Politics , btui also on Finance. 
He created " akhand Bharat" concept of united India almost after few thousand years after  a greatest King called "Bharat" on whose name, India is formed. This Bharat was a king before Sriram which shows he must be dating back to history as far as it was recorded. Here we have to remember one thing, the Washington museum has a Golden "Vishnu" statue from India which dated about 35,000 years and it is shame on world politicians to hide this fact. Even Shiva temples in Middle east are suppressed. I saw one Shiva temple in Bahrain which dated back to 5000 years ,where a Nandi (Bull) and a traditional prakara( boundary wall) are found in suburbs. In fact, with great confidence I can tell, when several western countries were struggling with fire and wheel , India was ahead of them by thousands of years with Bhrmastra ( nuclear war heads)  and Vimana  (aeroplanes).

Chanakya's credit is to come out with war as well economic sutras( principles) which are time tested .
In a sense Chanakya is a kin to Western thinking as far is strategy is considered like punishment, control and discipline is concerned , where as Indian wisdom is on compassion, non-violence and even forgiving the enemy. to an extent, the Buddhism also affected Indian thinking. But Vedic culture  is firmly based on Universal oneness and hence there is not palce for vengeance and punishment  as all creatures were considered God. 
in short, Chanakya  has integrated western and Eastern thinking which is more like to-days' world where even west accepted the fallacy of elimination and  superiority of transformation. 
Chanakya did that and he defeats Nanda dynasty and established their prime minister as advisor to Chandra Gupta which is clear case of Transformation. 

one example of Chanakya's  principle is we should not be residual enemy which means we have to completely eliminate enemy . this is like western strategy. another is King should be aware of what is happening in his kingdom for  which he has to be in disguise and roam in streets in the night to know public opinion. there are several principles written By chanakya which are compiled in "Artha Sashtra".

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