Friday, March 14, 2014

Ancient Indian way of Non -violent wars - Ashwamedha yaga

War is unimaginable without violence. Non-violence is the outcome of Truth realized by Ancient Indians which is based on unity of Humanity and Single source of Life which is called Paramatma. All creatures have Atma which is called Jivatma. essentially Atma is same. But when it dwells in individual creatures , it is given a name "Jivatma". other wise, it is called "Paramatma", hence violence is nothing but one is against himself. In this context, how a war can be waged against others. A very interesting way is called "Ashwametha". Unfortunately, like all Indian scriptures symbolism is missed by all western , and of course now, by  Indian readers also.  Let us understand "Ashwa" means that which moves continuously. As Horse sleeps while standing and always moves one or other part of his body to ward of flys and otehr insects, a horse also called "Ashwa". When some body says,"Ashwa, all people know they are talking about a horse. As Hinduism is about Symbols( please read my earlier blogs on Symbolism). Ashwa stands for "Mind".

Now let  us see what are the rituals for "Ashwametha".  A king brings a horse and does a puja along with his wife and then leave the "Horse" to go around the kingdom as well as outside the Kingdom. If any person is capable of defeating the king, he will capture the horse and there will be a fight and if they king is the winner , he will release the horse. other wise, horse will be captive by capturer.

if you go by the meaning of Ashwa as horse, it is physical war with or without violence. Now if horse is  mind, what you have to do is to conquer the territories by mind .That is ideological war than physical war. Long back Mao tse Tung , the Former  China chief said," India conquered China without single soldier". that is called cultural war. Holdign horse symbolically means mind control.

let us see more in details in subsequent posts.

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